16. Opinion (Local)

 Galvanic Energy drilling well north of Lake Erling
Magnolia Reporter

A company based in Oklahoma, Galvanic Energy, has indicated an interest in the supply of lithium and bromine products from Southwest Arkansas and has received a drilling permit from the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission. 
Galvanic Energy | Pushing the Boundaries of Exploration

The permit allows drilling up to 10,848 in-depth. Work began November 1. Galvanic Energy has acquired thousands of acres in Lafayette and Columbia counties. Galvanic released a statement in July saying they expect the land to provide "4 million tons of LCE (lithium) carbonate equivalent and 8.5 million tons of bromine." 

The location of the well is North of Lafayette County Road 17, West of Arkansas 53, and North of Lake Earling.

Quanico Oil & Gas of Eldorado, also, has received a drilling permit and will begin work today in Libson Field of Union County. 

Oil Gas
Arkansa Oil and Gas Commission

Personally, I am a huge advocate for the environment. The Lorax, if you will. Oil and gas drilling has caused lots of serious damage to our wildlands and communities. Drilling fuels climate change and disrupts wildlife. Obviously, it is easy to argue that this opportunity is great for the economy and generating new jobs because it does. As someone who is wholeheartedly against capitalism and wants to pull a Walden and move to the woods, none of that matters to me. The economy is something people created, it doesn't really exist.

It's important to prioritize our beliefs and I hold protecting the only planet we have at the utmost seriousness. We've developed far enough as a society that we now have clean alternatives to oil and gas; which, I would like to say I'm surprised that companies as a part of mankind aren't engaging in those options, but I am not. Big corporations are more concerned with numbers, also something humans made up. Without our Earth, I wouldn't be able to laugh with my friends or listen to music or read books or watch movies, you get the point. I think THAT is more important than any amount of money in the world. 


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