19. Classmate Blog Critique

My classmates really gave me a run for my money this year. When deciding who's blog I would critique, I kept going back in forth between a few because they are so articulate and well rounded. The blog I ultimately chose was Morgan McDaniel's. 

Her layout is different than the rest of the class, which immediately stood out to me. The layout is easy to follow and aesthetically pleasing. Her header is also really cute. I can't help, but wonder if she
custom made it? All her articles are left aligned. Her blog, also, does a great job at showing her personality. From the appearance of her blog she seems organized, thoughtful, and intellectual.  

As for content Morgan does a great job at conveying the stories she writes about very clearly. There isn't any misunderstandings when you read her work. Her articles do not have hyperlinks, but she makes up for it with photos and videos. The videos and photos do a great job of continuing and providing more information to the stories. Occasionally, she will include a tweet in her writing. It seems like this semester has flown by and I am excited to see what else Morgan has in store for us in the following years. 


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