18. News App Critique

When deciding on an app to write this article about, I immediately googled popular news apps. After looking through a list of many unfamiliar apps, I decided to go with an app I know and go to on a daily basis to get my news, Twitter.

Twitter Logo transparent PNG - StickPNG

Twitter isn't your typical news app. In April of 2016, Twitter changed from its app from 'social networking" to 'news.' A survey by Digital News Report found that half of those surveyed used social media as a news source. The survey, also, found that the most used social media app used to absorb the news was, infact, not Twitter, but Facebook. 

On the App Store, Twitter has a rating of 4.6. The few one-star reviews mainly consist of people complaining about what other people tweet. This is funny because at heart this is a networking app, obviously, people are going to have their own opinions. 

Twitter has a explore feature that takes you to all of the trending or relevant news of that day. There is a specialized tab called "For you." In this tab, users can find news topics that relate to the content they like and/or post about. For example, I follow mainly music artists, so my 'For you' page has a lot of recommended news about music. There are also other tabs such as Trending, Entertainment, Covid-19, News, and Sports.

I thank Twitter for being my only source of news intake. I think it can be used as a great tool to find news articles from many different points of view, as opposed to just one news site. Whether it is controversial or not I'll continue to get my news from Twitter.


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